Saturday, February 9, 2013

ATCs anyone?

I have been exploring new areas of papercrafts; origami and ATCs. I have received the most wonderful mail this week and been very inspired by it. (Larger post coming soon!) One swap contained a little self-made folder with stamps in it. I fell in love with the design so i was brave enough to deconstruct the folder to see how it was made. I was lucky enough to fold it back together also! Now I have been doing these little origamifolders with my daughter. She is soon four years old and can now do origami. (She is also already a better drawer than i am!)

 A tiny folder made of vintage magazine piece. 
As you can see you get four pockets to store little treasures at. 
I think these are just cute. :)

Then this whole new world, ATCs. I probably have already told i have a looooong history with slams and decorative booklets, but i quitted swapping those lately due to the fact i just couldn`t get anything done anymore. It was a very good decision, because now that i don´t have the burden making those, I have all this creativity floating around. I have already began penpalling and some mail art too i guess. A few days ago i also decided to try ATCs, these little cute trading cards. Below you can see the results. These are now heading for United Kingdom. :)

   Theme was "Vintage Advertising".. The pictures are from a magazine from 1963. I have quite a pile of Finnish vintage magazines. I actually read those sometimes and  i also have the heart to use some for crafting. I really need to get a better camera, cause these photos are again just crappy. There are several little details missing, but i guess you still can get the point?

Do you make ATCs? Interested in trading with me maybe?


  1. Can you make a tutorial on the origami folder? It looks really fun. I'm not such an ATC fan, I tried, but it is so small. XD I just got some old books about Pergamano, so that's next in line for me.

  2. I can try to make a tutorial, haven`t really ever made one, so i don`t know if i`ll succeed though. Pergamano? That i have never heard about. Have to ask from google. :)

  3. Love that folder you made!! Very nice.

    1. All credits to Amy in USA, who sent me the first one. :) I`m going to try to post a tutorial of this later if i succeed to make one.. :D

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  5. I love making ATCs. I made a whole bunch and traded on the atc website constantly all summer! They are so much fun since they are just quick little projects! I've been looking for more mail-art bloggers to follow because I want to start a new project with it soon and would love to have some fellow mail art fanatics to participate! so I'm so glad I found yours!

    Your Newest Follower,

    1. Nice to meet you Hannah. :) Is the atc website international? If so, i`d be happy to take a look and maybe participate.. I received two new atc`s today and they were so pretty! I`m having a huge inspiration now. :)

      Eagerly waiting for this project you told about! I`m going to start following your blog too, i already read some posts there and must say i love the things you make. :)

  6. I love ATCs too! :)

    Also, hi, I'm your newest follower! I found your blog through swap-bot, because I saw you're sending me for the Paper Destash Fun in the european group :) I'll really enjoy reading your blog for sure!

    If you ever want to check mine, I started it just a few days ago:

    Have a nice day!

    1. Hello Laura! Nice to see you here. :) I also checked in as you newest reader, your blog is so pretty! I think i`m going to get some great ideas there of what to send you. :)

      A very happy day to you too! :)

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