Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Flow and other great things

Hello again!

And a very special hello to my first ever readers TomoyoHime and Anni. ♥ ♥

Today i got a very special delivery, the new international Flow-magazine and i am in love!  Just wow. Check it out! At least Academic bookstore sells it here in Finland, it can also be ordered online and doesn`t cost a fortune (mine was around 15 euros) considering what you get, there well all kinds of papery extras included and the magazine itself is just amazing.

      Mine!! ♥ ♥

 This is the outgoing mail for today. All are swaps via swap-bot. I hope the receivers like what i sent.

       I just love these stamps! By The paintings are by one of my favourite artists, Helene Schjerfbeck. And The Hattifatteners are of course by Tove Jansson. And i found two of these lovely stickers, "Say it in the mail, mail will always be opened". I wish these were still on the market. Does anyone happen to know where to find something alike? And in Finnish please.

    I also went shopping again today. Oh dear. I actually decided to buy nothing this January, haven`t really succeeded..
  As i was mailing the things above i noticed that new stamps were just released. 
These are very pretty and funny, or what do you think? (I also think I should get a new camera...)
    Some more stamps... The beautifully painted Oulu postcards are from Taito shop
The Little My stickers i got as a present from my boyfriend. I don`t have any celebrations going on, he just had seen those at the grocery and thought they might be a nice thing for me to mail somewhere abroad.  So nice of him!
  From Taito shop i also bought some goodies to be mailed in the future. 
So this is all you`ll see at the moment. :) 

 These below were for free. I visited Oulu City Tourist Office to get some information leaflets to send to my friends all over the world. The service there was very friendly, though i wasn`t a tourist at all. I just explained why i need all kinds of info and he brought me an armful and even wished I´d come back in a few weeks, and told the new Oulu Infos will come out of the print then.

I also bought a wax seal kit for letterwriting. Haven`t ever tried that before and it cost only 2 euros. I`ll post some pictures of my experiments in the future. And from the fleamarket i found 40 kraftpaperenvelopes for only one euro, not bad.

That`s all for now. See you again soon! ♥


  1. I didn't know they had an international version of Flow! I've been pondering about ordering the Dutch one to brush up on my skills but haven't done it so far since the ordering is so much more expensive outside the Netherlands... maybe in the autumn then!

    I love all the goodies you got yourself - the Valentine's Day stamps are indeed sweet (harr harr)!

    1. Last time i visited Stockmann here in Oulu they had the International Flow at Academic bookstore, 12,95 euros, definitely worth it! And you know Dutch? That`s so cool! Where have you learned it?

      I like these goodies too <3. Whe should maybe some day go shopping together since we seem to enjoy the same things? Because right now the situation here is that i made my boyfriend read Flow, haha. He didn`t enjoy that much, though he admitted, that the magazine looks quite nice, just doesn`t really meet his interests. :D

    2. My boyfriend is Dutch, that's how I know it ;)

      Haha, I know the feeling... I was photographing the letterpapers and -sets I received the other day and my boyfriend looked at me like I was crazy. We should definitely go check out some stores together - I have no idea where to get any cool stuff in Oulu :( Thank goodness for internet!

    3. Ach so, that must be a great way to learn a new language!

      And great that i have a new (shopping)friend here in Oulu. :) I actually don`t know that much great stores here either. If i had some kind of business-sence i definitely would found one myself. But yes, thanks for the internet! I got soooooooo wonderful goodies at mail today. Post will follow soonish. :)

  2. I didn't know Flow went international. I buy it too sometimes, in Dutch.
    I love those new stamps! Finish stamps are always so nice.

    1. Is the Dutch version good? I`ve been thinking about getting some older magazines, because this international is soooooooooo nice and the next paper will come out in april or so. Can`t any Dutch though..

      I like Finnish stamps too. :) If you are interested you can check out current selection here: https://verkkokauppa.posti.fi/PublishedService?file=&pageID=3&action=view&groupID=782&OpenGroups=782 What kind of stamps is there in Belgium?

    2. Mein Gott that link looks so bad! Don`t know why it got that way, hope u can use still use it. :)

    3. What an amazing selection! We don't have that many stamps.

      I'm not a big flow fan, I only buy it when I think it has some interesting articles, but they all look pretty to me. But wouldn't it be a shame that you can't read them?

  3. Your envelopes are beautiful! I love the details in your art!

    1. Thank you very much. <3 You made me smile. :)
